In the past year, you have helped to refine and clarify the rules regarding parking in our community. The Board of Directors wants to say, “thank you.” The amount of cars in the roadways overnight has dropped to near zero and the Board is happy to report that only a small amount of fines have been levied.
In case you’re new to Del Tierra or haven’t kept up with the rules regarding parking, we wanted to provide it in one place for you.
What is the rule regarding parking on the street?
Parking is not permitted on community roadways between the hours of 12:01am and 5:00am each day. (Section IX, Section 8)
Can a guest park on the street?
Yes, but ask them to park in the common area spaces near the amenity center if they will stay overnight so they remain in compliance with the CCR
Can I have a commercial vehicle in my driveway?
Yes, if you have a way to cover the logos and other commercial markings.
What happens if I do park on the street between 12:01am and 5:00am or violate another rule regarding parking?
We hope you will use this post as a means of education so you’ll know how to remain compliant. You will receive a violation notice on your vehicle and a fine will be levied against you. This is an automatic process that doesn’t necessarily mean you will have to pay the fine. You will receive a letter in the mail. Some residents set an alarm in their phone to remind them to move their cars so they don’t forget. Others park a car in the common areas.
What if I want more information about the nature of the fine?
Contact Justin Patterson, our property manager. He will provide the make and model of the vehicle as well as a picture. You can also get information at the fining committee meeting.
Tell me about the Hearing Committee
Anybody who receives a notice of a fine is asked to appear in front of the Hearing Committee. It’s your opportunity to be heard. The Hearing Committee wants to hear evidence of why you didn’t violate the parking rule. The goal is to not fine whenever possible.
What if the vehicle isn’t mine?
You won’t get fined if the vehicle is not yours. Contact Justin Patterson to gain more information and attend the Hearing Committee meeting to let them know.
What if I have a guest? Will they receive a fine?
If the car is found to be on the street multiple times, the vehicle will be towed. Please ask your guests to park in the proper places. We want Del Tierra to be welcoming to guests but you will receive a fine and will have to take the time to prove that the vehicle isn’t yours.
My driveway is too small for all of my vehicles
We understand and we’re sorry. Take advantage of the common areas by the amenity center.
Who patrols the community for parking violations?
An outside company patrols throughout the week. They are contracted by the HOA and provide the Board and management company with violations including license plates and images.
Why does the Board of Directors fine residents?
The Board’s goal is not to fine anybody. We are seeing an increasing number of days where no violations are found. We want to get to a place where fines are rare and only for residents who make the choice not to follow the rules of the CCR. (The community rules)
The Board of Directors is a group of volunteers mandated by the State of Florida and the Del Tierra CCR to enforce what is state law regarding HOAs and what was signed in the form of a contract by residents.
Although you might not agree with some of the mandates, others in the community are here because they expect those mandates to be enforced. The board doesn’t have the authority to not take action on what is mandated but it does look for any way possible to work with residents so that fines are a last resort.
Why does the board enforce parking but not other violations?
The Board is actively addressing many other issues that are not in compliance with the CCR. Because our goal is to find a solution that is a win-win for everybody, these sometimes take time to resolve. When the board learns of a violation of the CCR, it is mandated to respond.
If you know of a violation, we encourage you to have a conversation with your neighbor first. Also read the CCR to see if it’s a violation of HOA rules. If it’s not, contact the proper authorities. Once you take those steps, report the CCR violation to the Board through our website contact form.
How can I be more involved and have a voice in Board activities?
The best way to have a voice is to attend meetings. On average, less than 10 people attend each month. Attending monthly meetings is the best way to learn of community business and have your voice heard.
Second, when something isn’t clear, reach out to the board on the Contact Us page. The board welcomes the opportunity to help you better understand the contents of the CCR.